Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's all about this

Some days seem like so much has changed, and other days feel like it's always been this way. Things are so different now, for me and the kids. A peace and joy like we've never had before. So much closeness and just plain fun! If I were to describe a day like the incredible one I just had, it would take me all day to write.

My life is so full of friends and faith ~ of family and favor...I am truly blessed beyond what I could have ever hoped or imagined.

It's like every time a circumstance comes up that looks impossible to overcome, God steps in and makes a way for things to turn out even better than if we'd planned it ourselves!

Hopefully I will be able to help you see just how big God is, and how great life can be when you have faith and put your trust in Him.

I'll also share a bunch of the silly random comments that are made around here, along with some of the really funny things that can happen in a house with five kids. They may seem unbelievable, but I never lie! (I might end up smelling like a dandelion)

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