Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Choir concerts

So tonight was the girls' choir concert at Aloha High. I dropped them off early since they volunteered to help set up the dessert table ~ yet another fundraiser for Hawaii!
They decided to get into their outfits at the school...if you'd like to get their opinion about these dresses, check out their blog! Something about shower curtains... :)
The girls dutifully saved the little kids and I a place to sit. Unfortunately, I never did spot the single sweatshirt that was put on the seats on the RIGHT, Laurel. Not the LEFT, as you explained to me on the phone. :)
It all worked out because we got to sit with Jean's family (although we missed you, Jean!).
As I settled in my seat, it made me remember just how in love I am with singing and how much I enjoy hearing teenagers sing too. The songs were funny, and entertaining and even serious at times. I had such a good time! Even the little kids sat nicely for the program ~ I did pack some apple slices for Quentin & Claire, that was probably cheating on my part :)
Once the girls saw the picture, they finally believed me when I told them the outfits would look fantastic on stage. Here is the concert choir ~

Right after the concert, we ran into someone really special. Let's just say the girls must have really been praying hard about playing softball next spring...

I got a few more great pictures of the girls ~

They are so beautiful! And here is another set of twins in concert choir with them. Aren't they all so adorable?! They could be brothers and sisters! ;)

Just to make sure everyone knows their silly side, here are a couple more ~

It was a really good night, and hopefully more friends can come to their Christmas concert!

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